How to Learn Classical Mechanics

on Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Classical Mechanics-an easily confused territory, but do you know, it is the most interesting topic in physics because it is not at all formula dependent. Believe it or not: All Mechanics (Classical) that you shall ever learn is based on only FOUR laws and nothing else...absolutely nothing,, the three laws of Newton and the law of conservation of energy.


  1. Understand the motion. (very very important). Go on reading the problem step by step until you understand every thing that is going on in the situation. Mechanics is all about study of motion. So visualize the motion.
  2. NEVER blindly apply formulas. While learning any formula in physics you must keep in mind two things: where to apply the formula and where it cannot be applied AND how on earth we got the stupid formula.
  3. Eg: The formulas of elastic and inelastic collisions are applicable only for free bodies. Momentum is conserved only if INTERNAL forces are acting. Potential Energy is defined only for conservative forces.Work done=Change in Kinetic Energy.... to name a few.
  4. Everything you will study in classical mechanics HAS to follow Newton's laws, so, if you are confused at a situation, try applying Newton's laws to know what forces are being applied where and there effects.
  5. Try simplifying the situation as much as you can. Try changing reference frames. But at the end the problem, don't neglect the assumptions you have taken. For eg. It is easier to analyze motion of objects in a car if you are sitting inside the car and observing from that frame of reference because you don't have to consider motion of the car, but at the end of the problem all the answers you will get will be in the car frame, so convert them in the required frame by finally consider the motion of the car.
  6. Remember don't by heart formulas until and unless you know where they came from. So if ever you are stuck up, you can easily derive the formula or even a simpler version of that formula for the specific problem.
  7. Have fun with Mechanics!!!


  • You must know how to apply Newton's laws. They are a must. So ask you teacher to teach them properly.
  • Don't hesitate to ask doubts while learning. You will remember a concept more easily if you ever had a doubt with it and got it clarified personally.
  • Always bombard the teacher with questions like: "Why to apply only this formula?", "Why only this?", "Why not that?", "Is there any other way to do it?"
  • If you don't understand whether to apply a formula or not, fall back to a previous concept you used to derive that formula (That's why I always say you should know where the formula comes from) You can fall as back as to Newton's laws for help.
  • Find out other ways to do a problem no matter how complicated they are. They will certainly help with some other similar situations
  • Don't Hesitate to write things down, you will see the problem ore clearly then.


  • Don't involve yourself too much in Mechanics or you will get addicted to it
  • Classical Mechanics is only applicable at low velocities.


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